Human Rights
We recognise our responsibility under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to promote and protect human rights throughout our business operations.
In particular we observe the core labour standards including commitments to:
Meet applicable legislation
Maintain a safe working environment and provide access to protective equipment and safety training to mitigate known hazards or potential risks
Pay fair wages in line with the norms for the industry and market and not require anyone to work excessive hours (particularly where this might impact personal health or safety)
Treat employees fairly and not discriminate on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, age, caste, union membership, political affiliation, marital status or national origin
Allow employees the freedom to join a union (or collective bargaining group acting for them) or allow them to decline if they choose to
Not ever use forced or bonded labour
Not ever harass, abuse or threaten any employee through physical abuse, discipline, threat of physical abuse, sexual or any other form of intimidation
Protect and promote the special interests of employees under 18 by allowing access to education, limiting employment during typical resting hours and ensuring no exposure to hazardous working conditions
Ethical Business Practice
We are committed to conducting our business responsibly and in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.
In managing our suppliers, we always try to behave professionally, responsibly and transparently, measuring our performance, encouraging stakeholder feedback, and making appropriate improvements.
Behaving professionally, responsibly and transparently means that we:
Conduct our business without the payment or receipt of unlawful incentives
Avoid applying pressure to engage in reciprocal trading
Recognise the risks for suppliers who are dependent on their business with us, and not abuse our corporate position
Ensure smaller suppliers are given fair consideration in our award of contracts, and when they are awarded business, they are supported to meet our exacting performance standards
Ensure all staff involved in establishing and managing supplier relationships are fully aware of our expectations for high standards of ethical behaviour and corporate citizenship
Environmental Impact
Our environmental policy aims to conduct business in a way that supports environmental sustainability. This means we:
Maintain and are committed to appropriate environmental policies
Meet all relevant legislation
Recognise the key environmental impacts of our business
Working Environment
We recognise all workers are allowed a safe, hygienic working environment and ensure that our suppliers’ working conditions meet the following standards:
We do not work with factories in potentially hazardous conditions without regular adequate safety training or supervision. Adequate first aid provision must be readily accessible to all workers.
Work places must be well ventilated with comfortable, well lit work stations. No workers may be subject to unsafe or unhealthy working conditions (including dangerous machinery, unsafe building structure or lay-out, and hazardous chemicals and substances) and all necessary safety equipment must be provided without charge.
Factories and work sites used by All In One Merchandise must be safe and hygienic with an adequate number of accessible and clearly marked fire exits from all buildings (including production and storage facilities, and office and domestic accommodation used by employees).
Living accommodation, where provided, must be in buildings that are separate from other areas of the workplace and must have an adequate fire alarm system. Our factories must provide clean bathrooms, access to drinking water, and appropriate food storage facilities.
Documentation and Inspection
All In One Merchandise is responsible for implementing monitoring and recording the compliance of its factories
We allow our clients to enter the factories we are working with for the purpose of inspecting premises and / or documentation and in order to establish due compliance with the provisions of the Code